League of Women Voters (R)
League of Women Voters (R)
League of Women Voters of Athens County (Ohio)
League of Women Voters of Athens County (Ohio)

Monetary Project

In January of 2021, the LWVAC formed a Monetary Study Committee. That Committee organized discussions in Athens of the monetary system and its relation to League values and positions on issues. In May, the Committee presented a caucus at the state convention of the LWV Ohio. That was followed with a series of 10 educational sessions held over Zoom between June and October, further exploring the current monetary system as well as alternatives and their relations to traditional League concerns. These sessions brought in League participants from across Ohio and elsewhere and resulted in the Proposal below. The Proposal was then endorsed by the LWVAC and by its Board through consensus processes. The purpose of the proposal is to bring the matter to the attention of League chapters around the country so as to move the National League toward taking an advocacy position.

The above recording represents a caucus presented at the 2024 LWVUS convention in Washington, D.C. in June by our local League. The LWVUS recorded the original but does not make it available except to those who attended the convention. For broader accessibility, we re-recorded it, using the same script and Power Point. We encourage other groups to look into the way our money system undermines democracy and LWV values. We hope this recording can help with that process. Groups are invited to contact us for any further assistance we might provide.

- LWVAC Monetary Committee

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